Thirroul Surf Life Saving Club has one of the best surf club gyms around with state of the art equipment that has been carefully chosen for the needs of surf life savers, surf athletes, our youth and those with disabilities - be it for recovery from injury, strength and conditioning, cardio or weight training.
The gym has been completely renovated as part of the the clubs recent building works with almost $50,000 worth of new equipment. The gym is run by club volunteers and is for club members. Active* and Life Members get free use of the gym and all other members will need to pay an annual fee of $380 to use the gym.
We abide by the SLS safer gyms guidelines that can be found in section "3.12 - Club Gymnasium" of the "Guidelines for Safer Surf Clubs" SLS publication that can be found here.
* Active Members are those who patrol or hold an official club position
"Committed to keeping our members safe"

Safer Surf Clubs
Guidelines from SLS for safer surfclubs, including club gyms
Thirroul Surf Life Saving Club Gym
Only need an access band or key fob?
Make a payment for $25 - see Make a Payment page for instructions
Email gym@thirroulsurfclub.com.au to inform us and we will arrange for the access band or key fob
To access TSLSC gym you must complete the following steps:
Register online to join Thirroul Surf Life Saving Club - including a Membership Fee of $75 (or $65 if you are part of a family membership) - see our Join Page for details
Add membership the Gym Fees $380 (Current Active Members and Life Members are exempt)
Please note: Paid up Gym Only Associate Member as at the closure of the gym in October 2020, to contact Rodney Bolton (finance@thirroulsurfclub.com.au) to confirm their membership fee and gym fee arrangement.
Pro-Rata fees: All existing members must renew by 30 September each year at $380. For new members joing during the year, the amount will be based on the quarter you join:
July - September inclusive: $380
October - December inclusive: $285
January - March inclusive: $190
April - June inclusive: $95
Add membership Access Swiper/Fob $25 if up do not already have one
Complete Club Gymnasium Forms here)
Send an email to gym@thirroulsurfclub.com.au to organise your gym induction
Please bring printed form with you, if you don't have a printer you can fill one in when you arrive
Once your details have been verified & the induction has been completed, the swipe access will be switched on.
Gym Users - your responsibilities:
Access is only for yourself. Your access will be withdrawn if you invite others into the gym.
If you are unwell don’t use the gym.
Use sanitiser provided.
You must use a towel on all equipment. No towel means no Gym.
Before leaving, wipe down the equipment with the supplied antibacterial wipes or antibacterial spray.
Use equipment in the way it is designed.
Pack away all equipment before leaving and ensure all bars are empty of weights.
We are no longer accepting associate gym members
As of 5th October 2022, we are no longer accepting associate gym members and you will only be able to join if you are an active member such as a patroller, age manager, or have another club poistion that requires you to commit your time to the running of the club.